Section: Activity: Our Today's Hero Directions: Create a 3-stanza poem (4 lines per stanza) or a song composition for the front liners (Doctor, Nurse, Police, Soldiers, Government Officials, Teachers, etc.) of our country. You may use a song adaptation in which you will adopt the melody of any OPM songs. Write the name of the adopted song for those that will do a song adaptation only) below your work and a short description of the output at the back of the paper. Give a title for your work Note: You may use English or Tagalog for your output. RUBRICS CRITERIA/SCORE 5 3 2 Interpretation You formed a somewhat You identified the literal You can relate You found it reasonable hypothesis about meaning of the work how the work difficult to the composition and able to makes him/her interpret the support this with evidence feel personally meaning of the from the work work Creativity You used your own ideas and You used your own ideas You used some You did not use imagination and most of the time imagination your own ideas or imagination Effort put into the You took your time and You worked hard for most You put a small You rushed activity worked hard on the activity of the time effort into the through and did activity not work hard Output You made a dear and You made a clear and You made a few You found it Description reasonable description about reasonable description description of your difficult to make a your work about your work with some work description about inconsistent ideas. your work pakisagot naman po