
Rene was tired from the day's
tramp. He rolled himself in his scout
blanket and laid still. It was very quiet
in the woods. Then he heard some
queer noises. There was a flopping of
wings. A night owl was on its way to
hunt. Tiny raindrops started to fall on
the leaves. The shower was over
though, in a moment. The cicadas and
other insects started their night songs
which ended into a forest symphony.
"Those queer night sounds in the forest
are a good lullaby," Rene thought as
he drowsed off to a sound sleep.
1. Rene went on
a. a field trip
b. an excursion
c. a boy scout camping
2. It was very quiet in the
a. city
b. house
C. woods
3. He rolled himself in his
a. mat
b. raincoat
C. scout blanket
4. He began to hear
a. soft music
b. hooting cars
C. queer noises
5. He heard a soft flapping of
a. skirts
b. wings
C. leaves​