Deguzmanjordandavego Deguzmanjordandavego Technology and Home Economics Answered II. Read the statement below and fill in the blank with the appropriate terms or words. Choose your answer from the box below. Write it on a separate sheet of paper.durability. metal. FlockingHand carving. Embossing. Etching11. _________________is considered a woodcraft in which a sharp object is used to create designs on the wood.12. _______________ is a process used to make designs or pictures on a metal plate by using acid that produces corrosive action.13. Enhanced and decorated bamboo, wood and metal products help maintain their _______________to against harsh elements.14. Metal enhancing media uses of metal paints, markers and antiquing kits to give color to the ________product.15. _______________ is a technique that needs hammer, metal, stamp, stencils, and other materials to create imprints on the metal.