
Learning Task 9: Read and reflect on the message of the poem below. In
your notebook, create your own images (one real and one make-believe
images) related to the poem that you read. Consider the indicators in the
rubric in making your illustrations.
To help you in appreciating the poem, here is a list to unlock difficulties:
epistle = letter
gung-ho -excited
rendezvous = meeting place
rucksacks = backpack
aficionado = fan, supporter
Real Image
Epistle from Mother Earth
by Maricon V. Estrellado
Four billions of years ago, when I was born
in the midst of the vast blanket of the unknown,
I was really gung-ho when human babies were born
to make me as their beloved home,
My oceans are like gigantic rucksacks of foods,
goods and treasures for your pleasures.
My trees extend their canopies bearing fruits
and giving comfy shades for your siestas and rests.
My highland-spots near the outstretched curtains of bluish sky
become your rendezvous of socialization and a series of "hi"
I became an aficionado of anthropology
as I witness how you adapt and evolve through these years.
There just something that bothers me,
an appeal of mutualism between you and me.
Can you be aficionados of environmentalism too?
Learning Task 10: In your notebook, create your own images (real and​