
1. Direction: Read each statement carefully and write the word True on the blank if you think the idea presented is correct, otherwise, write False.
1. Language comes in different forms such as signs, sounds, gestures, or marks having understood meanings. 2. Spoken language or oral language has five key components: phonological skills, pragmatics, syntax, morphological skills, and vocabulary (also referred to as semantics).
3. Written language involves only the use of alphabets known as alphabetic writing.
4. Spoken language is usually a dynamic interaction between two or more people. 5. Written language is usually permanent and can communicate across time and space for as long as the particular language and writing system is still understood.
6. A day to day conversation with another person is an example of oral language.
7. A written story is an example of a written language.
8. Written language can be printed out or written.
9. Oral language has the same components as written language.
10. Written language and oral language follow their own grammar rules. an​