
I have learned that if a, b and c denote integers and b=0. then 5 Talso knew that every rational number except has a unique reciprocal. So, the reciprocal of 5/4 is ) Fractions having the same denominators are called (4) while a fraction containing a whole number and a fraction is called I realized that to add subtract decimals arrange the digits in according to their To multiply decimals, multiply the numbers and count the total number of (8) in the factors. To divide decimals, multiply both the (9) and the (10) on the same multiple of 10 to make the divisor a whole number.I have learned that if a, b and c denote integers and b#0, then
+ = (1)
I also knew that every rational number except (2...
https://brainly.ph/question/8243594?utm_source=android&utm_medium=share&utm_campaign=question ​