Learning Task 1 Read the article carefully. List down the different celebrations / holidays that can be found in the passage. Write your answer on your activity sheet Celebrations can happen for a variety of reasons. Most people have probably gone to a celebration in honor of someone's birthday, wedding of the birth of a new baby. There is something deep inside humanity that loves to celebrate the best things in life. We love a good Christmas or Fourth of July celebration or other celebrations that mark special holidays or family traditions. Think of ways to incorporate celebrations of all kinds into your life. Make a big deal out of birthdays, weddings, or anniversaries. Throw huge celebrations for Thanksgiving, Christmas or other holidays that are important to your beliefs. Some holidays such as Halloween and Valentine's Day have been celebrated in Europe and America for centuries and several of them are related to pre-Christian celebrations. One of the biggest keys to getting the most out of life is to have celebrations for no real reason at all. Just invite your friends over, cook great food and spend a few hours playing games that cause laughter and build friendship. 1. What are the different celebrations found in the passage? 2. Why do you think celebration of Christmas and other holidays is important? 3. How do you celebrate Christmas?