ACTIVITY SHEET Activity Directions. Read the story below and express your ideas about the story with the use of the gustatoments The Dog and His Reflection Aesop A Dog found a pece of meat one day and while walking with it in his mouth near a stream he saw another dog in the water with another piece of meat He was not aware that it was his own reflection and not another dog. So, wishing to have the other meat, too, not satished with his own he opened his mouth to grab it, but that moment, his meat fell into the water and it was carried away till he couldn't see it any more. So, he remained hungry that day. has spenes combidera stones Aesops_Fables/page11.htm Text to te Somethung I have read or watched the Sikes Text to world Something I know about that is like this is text to self My reaction to this story is