What I Can Do Transmute Your Learning! Directions: Write a three-paragraph essay which answer the question after the given situation. You will be graded according to the following criteria. 2 Criteria 3 There is one clear, well- focused topic Maln ideas are clear but are not well supported by detailed information. There is one clear, well- focused toplc. Main Ideas are clear and well supported by detalled Information There is one topic. Main Ideas are somewhat clear. Ideas The order, structure of information is compelling and moves the reader through the text. The structure of information are mostly organized and makes sense to the reader. The structure of information is strong enough to move the reader through the text without too much confusion. Organization Sentence Structure, Grammar and Spelling All sentences are well constructed and have varied structure and length. No errors in grammar, and/or spelling. Most sentences are well constructed and have varied structure and length. Makes a few errors in grammar and/or spelling. Most sentences are well constructed but they have a similar structure and/or length. Makes several error in grammar and/or spelling 18.