
A. Identify whether Quantitative strength or weaknesses. Write S for strength, while W for weakness. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. Provides precise and numerical research data.
2. Testing hypotheses are properly constructed before the data are collected.
3. The researcher may construct a situation that eliminates the confounding influence of many variables, allowing one to establish cause-and-effect relationships more credibly.
4. The research can be time consuming due to preparations and statistical analysis.
5. Research results might not be in-depth.
6. Results from sample surveys can be generalized for entire population
7. Researcher's theory and hypotheses might not reflect real phenomena. 8. Easier to interpret research data. 9. Research results could be bias as researcher is verifying his/her pre-determined theory and hypotheses instead of building them from research findings.
10 Easy to implement the research (surveys, questionnaire).​