1. The Vikings are known for their invasions in England. They came from the following countries except: a. Denmark b. Norway c. Poland d. Sweden 2. During their invasions in England, which part of the country was the only one that was able to hold out against them? a. Faroe Islands b. Wessex c. Essex d. Sussex e. none of these e. none of these 3. Normans were descendants of Vikings who settled in Northern France. When they abandoned the usage of Old Norse as their language, which language did they use instead? a. French b. Latin c. Scottish d. Polish a. The common people were discriminated. b. Language became the border that separates different status of people. c. People of different status were treated equally. d. Language was not a big deal among speakers of different status. e. none of these e. none of these 4. During the era of Norman Conquest, Anglo-Norman French became the language of royalty and nobility. What is the significance of this situation in terms of language? 5. English language was influenced by other languages during the Norman Conquest. The following words were borrowed from the influence of French language to English except: Revolutionizing