What's More Activity 1.1 Understanding Planet Earth Compare and Contrast How is planet Earth similar and different from Venus and Mars? Provide possible explanations for your observations using the information in the table. Mass (1024kg) Diameter (km) Density (kg/m3) Gravity (m/s2) Escape Velocity (km/s) Surface pressure (bars) Composition of atmosphere Major Greenhouse Gases(GHG) Mean Temperature (OC) Temperature if no greenhouse gases are present Changes in Temperature (OC) due greenhouse gases Distance from the Sun (106km) Orbital Period (days) Orbital Velocity (km/s) Length of day (hours) Global Magnetic Field to VENUS 4.87 12,104 5243 8.9 10.4 92 96% CO2, 3.5% N CO2 464 -46 +523 EARTH 5.97 12,756 5514 9.8 11.2 1 77%N, 21% 02, 1% Ar CO2 H20 15 -18 +33 108.2 149.6 365.2 29.8 224.7 35 2802 No 24 Yes Comparison of the features of Venus, Earth, and Mars (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2015) MARS 0.642 6792 3933 3.7 5 0.01 95%CO2, 2.7%N, 1.6%Ar CO2 -65 -57 +10 227.9 687 24.1 24.7 No