
Everyday during our online Mass we hear the RESPONSORIAL PSALM after the First Reading. DIRECTION: In your CLED notebook write down all the Responsorial Psalms from August 15 to August 31 2022, excluding Saturday and Sunday. NOTE: Boys will write down all Responsorial Psalms from Monday to Wednesday, while the girls from Wednesday to Friday. NOTE 2: Choose one Responsorial Psalm that helps you to pray. Explain how that Psalm helps you. For easy checking, please follow this format: Date

Responsorial Psalm Aug. 15

The queen stands at your right hand, arrayed in gold. After the last Psalm, write down the one you choose followed by your explanation. It must not exceed 5 sentences but not less than 3. Explanation must be in paragraph form. submission is on Sept. 02, 2022.

please write on boys c: