
Part I. Directions: Determine whether the language used in each passage is ACADEMIC or NON-ACADEMIC. Write AT if it is Academic and NAT if it is Non-Academic.
1. Hold on to dreams for they are fleeting like moonbeams in spring.
2. As is it evident, a consumer goes through a set of stages the determine a final buying decision and the first step is the identification of a need, which is a catalyst that creates a decision for a purchase of a good or service.
3. This research was conceptualized to analyze the typical situation of a household with the head of the family working overseas. Results revealed that the benefits of having the head of the family work abroad exceeds the disadvantages that the respondents experienced with the set-up.
4. The bottom line is that the youth will inherit the world and it is our duty to our predecessors to allow the youth to have a say of what kind of world they would like to live in.
5. The link for the product evaluation form will be sent to you by the end of this week. Please take a couple of minutes to answer the form based on your personal assessment of our product. Should you have questions, please contact Mr. Eron Manuel, our brand coordinator.​