
Multiple Choice Test. Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of your answer on your Activity Notebook. 1. Sand and gravel maybe separated from each other through using what kind of method? C. Hand Picking D. Sieving A. Distillation B. Evaporation 2. The pair of substances like water and alcohol maybe best separated by a chemical process through A. Condensation B. Distillation D. hand picking C. Evaporation 3. Which of the following is used to separate iron filings from the sand? A. Bar magnet B. Decanting 4. Iron is separated from the mixture through C. Distillation apparatus D. Filter paper A. Evaporation B. Filtration C. Use of magnets D. Sieving 5. In a coffee machine, the ground coffee can be separated from the coffee solution by using what kind of paper? A. Filter paper B. sand paper C. tissue paper D. toilet paper ​