What Is This Module About? "Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." Rudyard Kipling Do you believe what the quotation above says? Can you imagine a world without words? What would life be like then? How can you say what you want if there were no words to express how you feel? How about if there were words but no sentences? Do you think what you say would have meaning? Will you be able to understand other people? This module will teach you how to form different kinds of sentences as well as how to write paragraphs that will help you communicate with others more easily. It is divided into three lessons, namely: Lesson 1 Lesson 2- Lesson 3 The Art of Writing Sentences Building Your Own Complex Sentences Composing Paragraphs Using Complex Sentences What Will You Learn From This Module? After studying this module, you should be able to: describe what a sentence is; identify the different parts of a sentence; identify the different kinds of sentences; write complete complex sentences; identify the uses of complex sentences in paragraphs; and write simple paragraphs using complex sentences. Aside from developing the above-mentioned skills, you will also learn the importance of peace in one's life, in one's family, in one's community, in one's country and in the world. 1