GRADE & SECTION: (the spiritual aspect one). Sigmund Kvaloy. 1. It is the Act of Going Beyong BJECT TEACHER: 2.Man is a composite of body (his/her material aspect), and soul 3. It was coined by Arne Naess and his colleagues Nils Faarlund and 4.ltProvides an analysis of the patterns and forms of interrelationships between the human person and her environment 5. It's the tripartite aspects of the human self which gives us the theoretical basis of our attitude towards our environment. expectation. 6. Is an unpleasant emotional response to perceived isolation. 7. The quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally. 8.The greatest limitations of a human being. 9. He creates the book titled "Summa Theologica", which addressed the mind-body problem by characterizing human nature as body and soul. 10. Defined as a lack of success or the inability to meet an