
Energy Management There are some tasks that require only little time and energy to accomplish. There are also tasks that require much energy and longer time to accomplish. Take these things into consider- ation when scheduling activities. Time/ Importance of Proper Time/ Energy Management 1. Brings happiness and security. 2. Allows more time for leisurely activities. 3. Opens opportunities for constructive activities such as organizing worthwhile projects. 4. Tasks are done at the right time. Helpful Measures to Conserve Human Energy 1. Analyze the activities that can be done simultaneously, like sweeping the floor while cooking the food for the family. Use good and efficient utensils or equipment to avoid waste of time. Arrange the things needed for work in one place. 4. Know the right time in doing the task in order to accomplish it properly. 5.Finish the work you have started. 6.Spare time for rest after hard work. Sources of Family Income 1. Salary earned for services rendered. 2. Bonuses, commissions, or honoraria given by an employer to employees. 3. Profits earned from business. 4. Rentals from owned properties. 5. Dividends from stock holdings. Principles of Budgeting Family Income 1. Know the family's income 2. List of expenses 3. Classify expenses a. Fixed determine which items should be given priority expenses that come regularly within the period of time like school fees, payment for utilities availability of cash in hand expenses that are unexpected to come like medical and dental care, b. Flexible clothing, recreation, contributions, and emergencies if money is not enough to meet all the 4. Compute the amount needed for expenses expenses listed, think of ways by which you can cut costs or augment income 5. Keep records of expenditures - to have a comparison of the expenses with the amount. of income 6. Allocate an amount for some savings - this can be used in the future in case of emer- gency expenses​