
"A STORY OF MAKATO AND THE COW pon a time there was a boy whose name was Makato. He was ar er had died when he was very young. He had no brothers, sisters, of him, so he had to make a living for himself. He did every kind s, clearing away the forest, or feeding pigs. He never idled over paid only a small wage, he was satisfied. He knew that if he did n ever he went his employers praised him for being sensible, hard meerful. One fine evening after he had finished chopping up a big est and thought of all he would like to do in the future. He want e lands for he longed for exciting adventures. "What are you thi asked his employer. "I would like to go on a journey for adventu e northeast. "I've heard that the land over there is fertile and the see that land for myself." His eyes sparkled with excitement. "Th Sukhothai," said his employer. "They say Pra Ruang of Sukhothai ight be lucky if you could go there." Some time later, Makato de is village and set out into the wide world. He walked along cheer lking to the people he met on the way. After a month's journey, er of the kingdom of Sukhothai. "Please can I have some water to oman with a big water pot on her head. "I'm so thirsty." "Where ou here alone? You look as if you'd 4 come a long way," said the from her pot into a small cup and handing it to Makato. "Thank y are your father and mother? Haven't you any family?" the old w ther father nor mother. I come from the city of Mon over there," ens! Have you really come from Mon? How is it that you are trav you are?" "I wanted to see Pra Ruang of Sukhothai," replied Ma hearted king." "You are a determined boy!" said the woman. "Co 5, you might see Pra Ruang someday." Makato was glad to go wit kind woman, he would have a place to sleep, some food to eat a ght be lucky enough to see the king. The old woman's husband w uts, which meant that he helped look after the hundreds of eleph ato helped the mahout find food for the elephants and clean ou ked hard and well and the mahout and his wife were fond of him and the weather so fine that it seemed to Makato that it must be elephant sheds, a tall young man in a splendid costume, followed ra Ruang himself. Makato bowed low at once with his hands clas eart beat fast. “Where did that boy come from?" The king asked ling him. 5 6 "He came all the way from the city of Mon," said the d so much about Your Majesty that he longed to see you." "How find the sittings and character problem​