device only used in a couple of minutes per day :(((watt rating x total minutes) ÷ 60 )÷ 1000)
device used per hour every day: (watt rating x hours)÷ 1000
Add all of your kWH reading and determine the Carbon Dioxide emission of your family. (1.5 lb of Carbon dioxide per kWH, [Formula: total kWHx 1.5 lb of CO2])
Then answer the following questions:
a. What appliance and electrical items usually use on weekdays and on weekends?
b. How much eenrgy do you consume on a typical weekday and Sunday in kWh? How about a whole month?
c. How much carbon does your family emit in a day?
d. How much carbon does your family emit in a month?
e. How do you feel about the results of this activity about your carbon emissions?
f. What can you do to lessen the amount of carbon dioxide emissions of your family?