
Guide Questions:
Q27. Identify the genotype of the male? Female?
Q28. Will any of their children have the disease?
Q29. Predict the probabilities of their children having the disease.
2. Blood type is determined by the presence or absence of two antigens-antigen
A and antigen B. The body's ability to produce antigens is a trait that is
inherited. Using the information about inheritance of blood type, answer the
given problem:
A father of four children has blood type A. The mother has blood type O.
Guide Questions:
Q 30. Predict the possible blood types of their children.
Q 31. Explain why two of their children have blood type A while the other two
have blood type O.
DNA is a macromolecule that forms a double helix structure in the cells
(mostly in the nuclei and mitochondria) of living organism. The DNA molecule is
considered the genetic material of all living cells. It is present in bacteria, protists,
fungi, plants and animals. DNA is responsible for determining the specific
characteristics of an organism.
DNA: The Genetic Material
A lot have been discussed about chromosomes and the inherited trait that
genes produce. But what are genes? How do they work? After the discovery of the
Chromosome Theory of Inheritance, many questions remained unanswered.
Of what material are genes made?
How does the genetic material produce the characteristics of an organism?
• How is the genetic code passed from parents to offspring?
you recall in Grade 8, all living things contain a genetic material that serves
as the set of instructions that direct the activities and function of the cell. The genetic
materials, also known as the deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA, are passed on from one
generation to the next to ensure continuity of life.