
What I Know

Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the separate sheet of paper.

1. Who recorded the first nearly accurate measurements of the Earth using the

shadow of a pole in Alexandria?

A. Aristotle B. Eratosthenes C. Thales of Miletus D. Aristarchus of Samos

2. What is the present measurement of the Earth's circumference? A. 40,075 km

B. 40,125 km

C. 40,175 km

D. 40,275 km

3. Which of the following theories explains the occurrence of double stars (the sun and its companion star) whereby another star came close to the double stars and

eventually dragged the companion star away and became planets?

A. Nebular hypothesis

C. Planetesimal hypothesis

B. Binary star hypothesis

D. Gaseous tidal hypothesis

4. Which of the following theories states that the universe began from a single

primordial atom?

A. Big Bang theory

C. Nebular hypothesis

B. Accretion theory

D. Stellar collision theory

5. Which of the following theories describes the merging and formation of two or more astrological bodies into a larger unit due to gravity?

A. Binary star hypothesis

C. Gaseous tidal hypothesis

B. Stellar collision theory

D. Cometary collision hypothesis

6. What celestial object was once part of the Earth from the present Pacific ocean as

mentioned under Fission theory?

A. Earth

B. Moon

C. Star

D. Sun

7. Which of the following is responsible to the build-up of matter leading to the

gradual increase of object's size as emphasized under the Accretion theory? B. heat

A. gravity

C. moisture

D. temperature

8. Which of the following theories on Earth's origin states that the nine planets of the

solar system came from the broken pieces of spindle-like gaseous tide in the sun due to a large star and gravitational pull?

A. Accretion theory

C. Planetesimal hypothesis

B. Nebular hypothesis

D. Gaseous tidal hypothesis

9. Who proposed the Big Bang theory?

A. Immanuel Kant

C. Georges Lemaitre

B. Charles Messier

D. Sir William Herschel

10. Which of the following theories about Earth's origin that states the Earth, planets

and the sun originated from a large cloud of gas and dust?

A. Nebular hypothesis

C. Binary star hypothesis

B. Planetesimal theory

D. Cometary collision hypothesis

11. Who proposed the Stellar Collision theory?

A. James Jeans

C. Charles Messier

B. George Darwin

D. Thomas Chamberlin