fill in the blanks:
Last weekend,my family and I went to the neighborhood_(noun)!Luckily,it was a very _(adjective) day.There were people lying down on_(adjective) _(nouns) while tanning.Most of the kids were in the water _(verb-ing).Some were splashing around the _(noun) before the lifeguard told them that they should _(verb).Mom reminded my_(#) brothers and I to wait_(number) minutes after_(verb-ing) before getting back in the _(noun).Afterwards,we _(verb-ed) over to the pool to dip our _(part of body,plural)in.The water was so _(adjective)! We decided to ease our way into it.However,out of nowhere,one kid _(adverb) screamed,"_(expression)! He _(verb-ed) into the water with a giant splash.I got _(adjective)!