
based on your concept in performance art.
4. Follow the health and safety protocols in doing this physical activity.
Learning Task 2: DIRECTIONS: The following questions will help you determine your
physical activity preference. Use the scoring guide to help you assess your fitness
level. Please answer the questions honestly. Write the letter of the answer that best
fits you on one whole sheet of paper. Then write three things that you can improve on
and explain why you choose those.
1. How active were you during your P.E. classes?
A. Inactive B. Lightly Active C. Active D. Very Active
2. In the past week, how many days were you active for at least 60 minutes?
A. O B. 1-2 days C. 3-4 days D. 5 or more days
3. In the past week, how many days did you spend watching TV, playing video games,
or using your phone for more than 2 hours?
A. 5 or more days B. 3-4 days C. 1-2 days D.O
4. You complete the statement. In the past week, I spent most of my leisure
A. Reading books, watching TV, playing video games, surfing the net, and sleeping
3. Helping with household chores, cleaning my room, and running errands
Performing moderate-intensity sports, games, and dance
Performing high-intensity sports, games, and dance
surfing the net?
A. More than 4 hours B. 3-4 hours C. 1-2 hours D. 30 min.
6. How many hours of your weekend did you spend doing high-intensity activities?
A. More than 4 hours B. 3-4 hours C. 1-2 hours D. 30 min.
7. How many minutes of your PE class did you spend playing or dancing and moving?
A. Less than 15 min. B. 15-30 minutes C. 31-45 minutes D. More than 45 min
8. How would you classify your participation in various physical activities?
A. Inactive B. Lightly Active C. Moderately Active D. Very Active
9. What is the best way to keep healthy if there is a pandemic?
A. Stay at home
C. Go to the gym
D. Do work-out or exercise at home
B. Accomplish paper works
10. How long can you endure an online class/work/activity?
A. 8 hours B. 6 hours C. 4 hours D. 2 hours
11. How many hours do you allocate for your exercise?
A. 5 min. B. 15 min. C. 1 hour D. 3 hours
12. How do you define your lifestyle nowadays?
A. Not-active B. Healthy C. Active D. Very Active
13. How many hours should we expose ourselves to doing online activities?
A. 8 hours B. 6 hours C. 4 hours D. 2 hours
most convenient exercise for you?