
3. It is known as gum disease and pyorrhea? D. Malocclusion A. Periodontitis B. Gingivitis C. Cavities 4. Bettina can only see objects that are near from her, but if you let her to see objects that are far, she can't. What common vision problem Lena has? D. Lordosis A. Myopia B. Astigmatism C. Hyperopia 5. Some eye problem refers to the movement control and eye coordination, D. Blurred Vision A. Myopia B. Astigmatism C. Hyperopia 6. It is a form of small pocket of body fluid (lymph, serum, plasma, blood or pus) within the upper layer of the skin. A. Corns D. Kyphosis B. Sunburn C. Blisters 7. It is also known as "swimmer's ear", an inflammation of the ear canal. A. Otitis Externa C. Otitis Media D. Myopia B. Impacted Cerumen 3. Lola Fe has experienced a normal inward lordotic curvature of the lumbar and cervical regions of her spine. What do you call that medical condition? A. Lordosis B. Scoliosis C. Kyphosis D. Hyperopia A grade six learner is always making some absences because of the damage structur his tooth? What do you call that dental condition? A. Periodontitis B. Malocclusion C. Halitosis D. Cavities​