1. Read the following text carefully. Using your prior knowledge on basic outlining, rewrite it following the template below. Do this activity on a separate one whole sheet of paper. There is a challenge posted to higher education. That is to attune its present educational goals, objectives, and mission-vision to the demands of a globalized world. Consequently, institutions, especially in the developing countries, have started to reconstruct their global dynamics of knowledge production through establishing linkage among institutions across nations. Generally, the common set of internalization of higher education highlights the importance of promoting cultural diversity and fostering intercultural understanding, respect, and tolerance among people (Turner and Robinson, 2007). These reiterations of what internationalization of higher education should emphasize are actually based on the profound belief that the cultural heritage of people is universal and humankind shares the bond off humanity and global citizenship in the process off advancement of knowledge (Wing, 2010)... Exploratory in nature, This paper aims to examine the key concepts on IHE. Specifically, this paper reviews articles which will shed light on the significant ideas, and proposes a preliminary framework of IHE in the Philippines. Source:Communica what is the introduction,body, conclusion