
The intensity of sound is measured in a unit called decibel (dB), which describes the relative intensity of a sound on a logarithmic scale containing values ranging from 0 to 194. The formula = 10 log 1 0 , where is the loudness or sound intensity level in dB and is the intensity in watts per meter squared. 0 is the lowest intensity a person can perceive and is fixed at 10−12 /2 . Exposure to a noise 70 dB and above may start damage the hearing.
1. a. What intensity level in dB is produced by an earphone that creates an intensity of
2.05 × 10−5 /2
b. What can you say about the sound produced by the earphones?
2. The noise level inside the modernized jeep is 75 dB while in the traditional jeep, it is 82
dB. How much more intense is the noise from the traditional jeepney than the modernized
jeep? (Hint: get the ratio of their 1)​