
The exercise of proper personal hygiene is one of the 1._____ parts of our daily life. The prevention of

communicable diseases, like diarrhoea, trachoma and many others is highly possible through the

application of 2._____ personal hygiene. A person with clean hands is proud while eating because they

feel confident of 3._____ diseases. The genitals and the anal region need to be cleaned well because

of the 4._____ secretions of these areas. The mouth is the area of the body most prone to collecting

5._____ bacteria and generating infections. 6._____ hygiene plays a critically important role in

preventing faeco-oral transmission of communicable diseases. The most important area in the face to

keep clean is the 7._____. Nail cutters should not be shared with others to prevent contracting some

diseases, such as 8._____ infections. Poor hair hygiene could cause dandruff and skin infections such

as 9.________. Wash your daughter’s vulva gently in the bath or shower. Wash from

10._____ to back to reduce the risk of urinary tract infection


Let’s Practice!

Proper Tinea capitis harmful Hand


natural eyes front essential​