
Enrichment Activity 4. LET'S GO FURTHER Score: __________/4 Directions: Make a connection based on what is asked inside the box. Write your answer on the space provided. 1. Text-to-self What part/line from the text, "Ida B. Wells-Bamett and Her Passion for Justice" have you connected to? Write it down and below the lines complete the statement: If that happened to me 2. Text-to-text Make a connection of the text "Ida B. Wells-Bamett and Her Passion for Justice" to the text that you have already read in the previous SLK entitled "Thank You Ma'am" by Langston Hughes by completing the statement below. a.) The experience of Ida B. Wells-Barnett is similar to the boy in "Thank You, Ma'am" because b.) The story of the boy in "Thank You, Ma'am" is different from the text of "Ida B. Wells-Barnett and Her Passion for Justice" because 3. Text-to-world Make a connection of the text "Ida B. Wells-Barnett and Her Passion for Justice" to what is currently happening to our country and/or to the world by completing the sentence below. What happened to Ida B. Wells-Barnett is similar to something I have seen on TV and watched on the internet because_​

Enrichment Activity 4 LETS GO FURTHER Score 4 Directions Make A Connection Based On What Is Asked Inside The Box Write Your Answer On The Space Provided 1 Textt class=