
On the one hand, an individual cannot be an individual without the collectivity Buber assets that the human person is a being between man and man we become human through these inpersonal relationship developmentAlly we are here because of those relationship that surround us and enabled our growth and development our sense of identity is target formed by those who have been close relationship with us our earliest discriptions of ourselves as individuals were based on who we are in relationship to others (I'm the daughter of) is it possible to have an identity or an individualily without being related to another person? Even the fictional being when he can face-to-face with another human being. As the social philosopher. Is formed through intersubjectivity processes. As such, one need not choose individualily over the collective intersubjectivity world. ( PEDE PAKI EXPLAIN TAGALOG MAY REPORTING KASI KAMI EH ASAP PLEASE)​