Sagot :
Answer:Jesus in the Gospel of John
“The Discourses of Jesus”
John 15:9-17
The Gospel of John includes a number of discourses that do not appear in the Synoptic Gospels of
Matthew, Mark, and Luke. And, most of these discourses are quite lengthy. For example, the discourse on
Jesus being the bread of life takes up about half of chapter 6; we find a similar length discourse after the
healing of a man with a chronic condition in chapter 5. The discourse on how Jesus is the good shepherd
takes up almost all of chapter 10. But, in terms of length, the longest discourse is the Farewell Discourse
that Jesus gives to his disciples at John’s version of the Last Supper. It is spread out across 5 chapters,
beginning in Chapter 13 and concluding with a prayer in Chapter 17.
I invite you now to turn to chapter 13 in the Gospel of John in your own Bibles or the pew Bible in front of
you or even on the Bible app on your phone and follow along as we examine the Farewell Discourse