the given choices. Write your answer on separate sheet of paper What is to be manipulated to achieve genetic engineering? B genes CRNA 2 What do you call to the circular piece containing the genetic material? B. genes C microbes O plasinid D all the above AONA A cloning B genetic engineering C genetically modified organism D all the above 4. What is the second technique in any genetic processes? A New gene insertion to an existing organism s DNA B. identification of organism with desirable gene C Entire DNA extraction from the organism D Gene removal from the rest of the DNA Which of the following Genetic Engineering process occurs when DNA strands are cut into fragments? A DNA sequencing B. Recombinant DNA D. Restriction DNA C. Recombinant DNA technology 6 What happens to the genetically modified organism? A enhancement of the desired physiological traits B genomes has been genetically engineered B desired biological products reproduced Dall the above 7 What is the molecular basis of heredity? ADNA B genes CRNA D genomes 8. Which the most frequently cited examples of GMOs? A agricultural plants C medicine B. farm animals D. all the above 9 What are the benefits of genebc engineenng? A reduced costs for drug and food production increased need for pesticides C. decreased crop yields D. all the above 10. What are the other examples of GMOs used in medicine? Amik for animals C. pharmaceutical agents B paramedicines D. vaccines Loaming Activity 3. Multiple Choice Select the letter of the best answer from among 3. Which of the following involves the transfer of DNA s part from organism to another?