
I need materials that are not non-print ​

Sagot :


(radio,tv,cd player,internet,website,ebook.tape recorder)--


(Non-Print Materials)

In defining what constitutes a nonprint collection, it is important

to distinguish among three words commonly attached to such

materials-media, nonbook, and nonprint. Pointing out the various

nuances of each term will facilitate a broader understanding of nonprint

librarianship and how it is affected by the new information


Media is perhaps the most elusive of these. On the one hand, a

medium is a liaison in which communication is transmitted from a

sender to a receiver. Thus, language can function as a medium just as

well as can tape recorders and microcomputers. However, media is also

a term which applies to materials. Media materials are commonly

considered to be those items through which a library user can access

various types of information. Some of these materials (e.g., a record

player) are unilateral insofar as the user is only a receiver. Others, a

database for example, permit patron interaction. In each case the

medium functions as a “middle ground” to the message. Within the

larger communication spectrum, a third usage is often given to mediathat is, “the Media.” Our customary use of the term to describe the

various mass communication channels illustrates how difficult it is to

pin down a solid definition for media.

As with media, the terms nonbook and nonprint are problematic.

On a basic level, both can be considered as species of the genus media.

Answer:(radio,tv,cd player,internet,website,ebook.tape recorder)--