1. -5
Before determining the integer, it is important to know that negative numbers are found on the left side of the number line while positive numbers are found on the right. In the problem, it is indicated that you move 5 times to the left from zero. Because of this, we can easily conclude that the number is "5" since the number of times we move points is usually the unknown number. Though, since it is also mentioned to move it to the left, the number then becomes negative because only negative numbers are found on the left side of the number line; making the integer "-5"
8 times to the right. The integer will be 8
10 times to the left. The integer will be -10
21 times to the right. The integer will be 21
2. 8
In the problem, it is mentioned that Rosa put the coin of the +4 place in the number line, making "4" the integer. Since this integer is positive, it can be concluded that the number is found on the right side of the number line. Though, it was also mentioned that she moved 4 more places to the right. In order to do this easily, just add the 2 integers in the problem, 4 and 4, giving 8.
A ball is placed on the +9 spot in the court and was moved 3 more spots to the right (9 + 3 = 12) The integer will be 12
A coin was placed on the +3 spot in the number line and was moved 7 more spots to the right (3 + 7 = 10) The integer will be 10