
Tell whether sentence expresses a fact, opinion or falsity. Write your
1. Children who work become better adults than children who do not.
2. Apolinario Mabini was the first President of the Republic of the
Philippines. ______________
3. The Philippines has more than 7,100 islands._____________
4. A whale is a sea mammal. __________
5. Boys perform better in Mathematics than girls. _______
6. Senator Manny Pacquiao was once our Vice-President of the Republic of
the Philippines. ___________
7. “Pagkamasinop” is a unique Filipino virtue. It is a personal attitude and
habit which calls for care and respect for things earned through honest
work. It is also provides a disposition towards self-reliance and job
creativity. It is care and respect for belongings. ____________
8. Jazz is the most beautiful type of music.__________
9. Chocolate cake cookies taste good._____________
10. Our Independence Day Celebration is July 4. ________________