
1. It is a series of pitches arranged in ascending and descending order.
a. musical staff
b. musical scale
c. key signature
2. This tells us the pitch of a song.
a. musical staff
b. musical scale
c. key signature
3. What is the relative minor of C Major scale? *
a. A minor
b. G minor
c. F minor
4. A musical scale that no sharp and no flat.
a. F Major
b. G Major
c. C Major
5. What is the home tone of C Major scale?
a. La
b. Do
c. Fa
6. What is the home tone of A minor scale?
a. La
b. Do
c. Fa
7. It is a major scale that has one sharp.
a. G Major
b. F Major
c. C Major
8. It is a major scale that has one flat.
a. G Major
b. F Major
c. C Major
9. In G Major scale, where does the home tone do is located?
a. on the ledger line
b. on the first space
c. on the second line
10. In C Major scale, the home tone do is located ___________.
a. on the ledger line
b. on the first space
c. on the second line
11. In F Major scale, the home tone do is located ___________.
1 point
a. on the ledger line
b. on the first space
c. on the second line.
12. It is from the Latin term scala meaning ladder.
1 point
a. scala
b. scale
c. staff
13. It is known as the most common scale that consists of patterns of fixed intervals of whole steps and half steps.
a. diatonic scale
b. chromatic scale
c. C Major scale
14. It is the most common example of diatonic scale.
a. G Major
b. C Major
c. F Major
15. It one of the most commonly used key signatures in music.
a. G Major
b. C Major
c. F Major
16. It is one of the easiest musical scales to play on the keyboard.
a. C Major
b. F Major
c. G Major
17. It is a succession of tones arranged carefully to give an interesting and pleasing sound.
a. Pitch
b. Rhythm
c. Melody
18. The __________ is a musical symbol that lowers the pitch by a half step.
a. F Major
b. sharp (#)
c. flat (b)
19. The _________ is a musical symbol that raises the pitch by a half step.
a. G Major
b. sharp (#)
c. flat (b)
20. It is the distance on the piano keyboard of a key to another with one key in between.
a. whole step
b. whole key
c. half step
21. A _________ is the distance from one key to the next without skipping any white key or black key.
a. whole step
b. whole key
c. half step
22. Natural keys are the __________ that are located on the keyboard of a piano or other similar keyboard instrument.
a. white keys
b. black keys
23-27. IN CAPITAL LETTER. Write the 5 pitch names of the note in the lines of the musical staff.
28-30. IN CAPITAL LETTER. Write the 3 pitch names of the note in the spaces of the musical staff.

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