ultiple irection: Write the letter of the correct answer before the number. 16. It is the enlarged upper end of a flower stalk which bears the flower or group of flowers. A. ovary B. receptacle C. sepals D. petals 17. They form the most obvious part of a flower. A. petals B. sepals C. stamen D. filament 18. are modified leaves which enclose and protect the other parts of a flower when it is still a bud. A. petals B. sepals C. staren D. filament 19. A group of petals is called A. calyx B. corolla C. sepals D. stamen 20. Agroup of sepals is called B. corolla A. calyx C. sepals D. stamen 21. It is the male part of the flower. A. sepal B. petal C. stamen D. ovary 22. The female part of the flower is called A. petal B. stamen c. sepal D. pistil