1. Both UVA and UVB light are important for humans in the production of Vitamin D in the skin and gives us tanning effects. Overexposure to UV radiation may cause A. Asthma B. Cancer C. Heart failure D. High blood pressure 2. Child like fetus is in great danger than adult from the exposure of microwave radiation. A. False B. True 3. Which of the following is NOT an example of non-ionizing radiation? A. Microwave B. Ultraviolet C. X-ray D. Visible light 4. Exposure to normal levels of extremely low frequency (ELF) Wave causes A. Asthma B. Brain damage C. Severe burn D. No damaging effect 5. According to the National Cancer Institute, what forms of non-ionizing radiations has no experimental evidence showing that at normal levels of this radiation are dangerous to humans. A. Infrared B. Extremely low frequency C. Microwave D. Visible light 6. About half of the total energy the sun gives off is in the form of what type of non-ionizing radiation? A. Infrared B. Microwave C. Ultraviolet D. Visible light 7. Overexposure of microwave radiation can cause A. Asthma B. Brain damage C. Cataract D. No damaging effect 8. The narrow beam of light concentrates the effects on the retina causing blind spot. This is an effects caused by A. Alpha radiation B. Beta radiation C. Laser D. ultraviolet 9. Exposure to ionizing radiation can cause cancer. A. False B. True 10. The strongest ionizing radiation is called A. Alpha radiation B. Beta C. Gamma radiation D. Neutron radiation 11. This occurs when an atom undergoes radioactive decay. A. Alpha radiation B. Beta C. Gamma radiation D. Neutron radiation 12. This form of radiation is more penetrating than alpha particle, but are less damaging to living tissue and DNA. A. Alpha radiation B. Beta radiation C. Gamma ray D. X-ray 13.It is classified as a carcinogen by the WHO. A. Alpha radiation B. Beta radiation C. Gamma ray D. X-ray 14. It is a decrease or a lessening in amount, or the amount by which something decreases or goes down. A. Hazards B. Mitigation C. Prevention D. Reduction 15. Any agent that can cause harm or damage to humans, property, or the environment. A. Hazards B. Mitigation C. Prevention D. Reduction