1- Directions: Read each question carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. The biological process during which mature individuals produce offspring is called as 2 a. Reproduction b. growth c. population d. fertilization 2. Why is reproduction importants a. Because reproduction will enables living things to create and continue their population. b. Because reproduction can do a gene mutation to create a better generation for the species. c. Because not all species of living things are able to do the reproduction process. d. Because each species need to be a dominant species on Earth 3. What would happen to a species if every member could not reproduces a. The fertilization is not needed because they will do asexual reproduction. b. The species will become endanger and can be extinct. c. The species will arise as a dominant population on Earth. d. The organism will adapt and prevent early death cases. 2 4. What example of an organism that was extinct is a. Chicken b. orang-utan c. dog d. dinosaur 5-6. Animals reproduce in two ways, which are and a. sexual b. asexual c. fertilization d. embryo 7. What is the definition of fertilization? a. An early stage of development of a multicellular organism. b. The breaking of an individual into parts from which separate individuals will grow. c. The process of the male's sperm cell unites with the female's egg cell. d. The development of the embryo inside the body of the parent. 8-9. Two types of fertilization are a. Internal b. external C. sexual and d. asexual