Let's Apply Check () the column that corresponds to the characteristics of the following animals. Characteristics 1. These are the only animals with feathers. 2. Most of them live on land; others live in water. Mammals Birds 3. They breathe through lungs and have muscles called the diaphragm that helps them to breathe. 4. They have two pairs of limbs; the forelimbs are wings which they used for flying. The hind limbs are legs that are used for perching, walking, swimming, or prey catching. 5. Most of them develop their young inside their mother's body and are fully formed when they are born and feed their milk from the mammary glands. 6. Their mouth is in the form of a horn-covered beak or bill. 7. Have strong and lightweight bones that adapt for flying. 8. Their bodies are partly or completely covered with hair or fur. 9. They are warm blooded animals or endotherms. 10. Birds have strong and lightweight bones that adapt for flying.