
Learning task 6: Describe the given nouns In terms of numbers,Quality, And Color. Write your answers in your notebook.

Number Quality Color Noun
1). Flower
2). Dog
3). Bird
4). Leaves
5). Pillows

Sagot :


  1. Flower- A bouquet of pretty pink flowers  
  2. Dog- Six fat black dogs
  3. Bird- A flock of small white birds
  4. Leaves- A pile of dried brown leaves
  5. Pillows- A bunch of soft blue pillows

What is a noun?

It is a word that pertains or names to something that is a person, place, or thing. Nouns play in a sentence as a subject, direct or indirect object, adjective, and many more. Also, nouns can name things like intangible ones like activities or even concepts. It can be imaginary things or hypothetical ones.

Types of nouns:

  • Common nouns- it refers to people, places, or things. And most of the nouns are considered common nouns. And if there is any noun that is not a name, it is a common noun.

Examples: cat, guardian, table, chair

  • Proper Nouns- pertain to the names of people, places, or even organizations. And remember that proper nouns always start with a capital letter.


Maria is the name of my friend next door.

She has been there since December.

The Philippines is a tropical country.

  • Concrete nouns- these are nouns that are material or physical things that can be touched.  

Examples: cellular phones, cereals, women

  • Abstract nouns- these are nouns that are opposite to concrete. Also, abstract nouns are things that cannot be touched. It pertains to ideas, perceptions, feelings, and concepts.

Examples: fear, excited, strong, bold

  • Countable nouns- these are nouns that can be countable. It can be in the form of singular or plural.

Examples: basket, animals, individual, rabbit

  • Uncountable nouns- it is known as mass nouns. You cannot count these types of nouns. And to quantify it, you need to use some measure words.

Examples: rice, water, electricity

  • Collective nouns- pertain to or denote a group of people or individuals.

Examples: class, pride, crew, family, company

  • Compound nouns- are a type of nouns with two or more words. Most of the compound nouns are in the form of noun + noun or even noun + adjective.


Open or spaced: bus stop

Hyphenated: father-in-law

Closed or solid: baseball

Learn more here:

Examples of common and proper nouns:


