1.____is the outside passage way of the baby which is called as the "birth canal". a. fallopian tube b. testes c. vagina
2. The passageway of both urine from the urinary bladder and semen from the glands in males is the____. a. uterus b. penis c. urethra
3. The____are the female reproductive organs. a. ovaries b. vas deferens c. cervix
4. The____is the external male organ with a tip called glans. a. testes b. penis C. ovary 5.____are the thin, soft tubes extending from the uterus to the ovaries. a. vas deferens b. reproduction c. fallopian tube
6. Passage way of a baby about to be born. a. ovary b. fallopian tube c. vagina
7. The male sex organ. a. penis b. vagina C. Scrotum
8. Place where fertilized egg develops. a. cervix b. uterus C. ovary
9. Passageway of urine in the male sex organ. a. urethra b. penis c. testis
10. Pathway where the ova travels from the ovary to the uterus. a. cervix b. uterus c. fallopian tube