
What is It
Biology is the study of life. Life does not only involve the living things itself
only but also includes its deepest characteristics. There are many characteristics of
life and some of these will be discussed below.
This is an important introduction on how you define a living and a non-living
for you to simply know how important life is.
7 Basic Characteristics of Life
1. Nutrition
2. Reproduction
3. Excretion
4. Growth
5. Movement
6. Respiration
7. Sensitivity​

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Biology is the study of life. Life does not only involve the living things itself only but also includes its deepest characteristics. There are many characteristics of life and some of these will be discussed below. This is an important introduction on how you define a living from a non-living for you to simply know how important life is. 7 Basic Characteristics of Life 1.Nutrition 2.Reproduction 3.Excretion 4.Growth 5.Movement 6.Respiration 7.Sensitivity

Explanation:Living things are able to respond to theenvironment through a stimulus. Irritabilityisanexample.Anotherexampleisaliving thing’s response to light by facingthesunandsweatingasourbodyresponse to heat which is also connectedto excretion. Reproduction Unicellular organisms reproduce by DNA replication and dividing equally as the new cell prepares to form two new cells while multicellular organisms often reproduce using its gametes in order to form new individuals. When there is reproduction, genes with DNA will passed from generation to generation to ensure that the offspring belong to the same species having similar characteristics. Growth and Development Organisms grow and develop accordingto its genes that gives instruction that willdirectthecellulargrowthanddevelopment ensure that the offspring willgrow up and exhibit many of the samecharacteristics as its parents. Mitosis andmeiosisplayanimportantroleinthismatter. Nutrition Living things take in minerals and foodfrom the environment in order to surviveandgrow.Itistheprocessofwhichorganism obtain energy and raw materialsfrom nutrients such as fats, carbohydratesand proteins.  

What’s MoreActivity 5: Case Analysis With the given concept above, answer the following situations with the characteristics oflife. Write your answer on the second table.Respiration Respiration is the process in which theenergyfromthefoodeatenisbeingreleasedinallivingcells.Organismsbreak down the food within their cells withaspecificprocesstocarryoutthefollowing processes. Movement All living things move. Animals move fromone place to another. Plants also movebutnotasusuallyobservablethananimals. Plants move in different ways inorder to grow and their movement may besoslowthatpeoplecannotevenrecognize. A makahiya leaf being touchedisanexampleofmovementthroughthigmotrophism Excretion Alllivingthingsalsoexcretebutindifferent ways. Excretion is the result ofmanychemicalreactionshappeningincellswhichtheyhavetoremovethewasteproductswhichmightpoison the cells. Excretion is theremovaloftoxicmineralsinexcess from the organism. Statement Characteristic of Life Jannine married Frank after dating for fouryears. After 2 months, Jannine thought shejust had difficulty having menstruation thenshe found out she was pregnant.  

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