Ellaarsibalgo Ellaarsibalgo English Answered identify the sources where you can find the following topics. 1. Philippine map a. dictionary b. images c. website d. reference book 2. picture of caloocan city medical center. a. website b. video c. radio d. podcast 3. brigada eskwela information campaign a. dictionary b. reference book c. images d. ads and campaigns 4. Bonifacio monument a. images b. video c. dictionary d. website 5. biag ni Lam-ang a. reference book b. website c. ads and campaigns d. images 6. cases of covid-19 a. newspaper b. infomercial c. dictionary d. reference book 7. correct use of personal protective equipment (ppe) a. print b. almanac c. tv and radio d. dictionary 8.photographs of covid-19 patient a. podcast b. news paper c. images d. infomercial 9. news about lockdown a. magazine b. dictionary c. images d. newspaper 10. antibiotics for cough and colds a. images b. almanac c. atlas d. ads and campaigns 11. ways to stop corona virus a. infographics b. map c. dictionary d. print 12. interviews foe cured covid-19 patients a. print b. almanac c. websites d. tv and radio 13. videos about the first covid-19 death a. ads and campaigns b. magazines c. tv d. images 14. symptoms of covid-19 a. website b. almanac c. atlas d. dictionary 15. song entitled "heal our land" a. almanac b. print c. tv and radio d. magazine