
essay about "How can ICT help in social change?" ​

Sagot :


"Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Social Changes and Transformation"

Considering the world being a global village, Information and communication technologies(ICT) have become more valuable entity in all aspects of life. Over thirty years, the use ofICT has fundamentally changed the practices and procedures of nearly all forms of exertionsurrounded by business, governance and education. In recent years, many organizations andgovernments have worked to increase frankness and clearness in their actions on howInformation and communication technologies (ICTs) are understood by many people as acost-effective and suitable means to promote candidness and social changes in E-government, E-learning and social interaction in particular. Some of these individual effortshave received considerable attention on the issue of whether these ICT-enabled efforts havethe ability to create a substantive social change in approaches toward transparency or not.In this article, I reviewed multidisciplinary literature concerning the role of ICT onsocial changes and transformation and identify some viewpoints regarding the nature of therole ICT played in social changes and transformation toward innovation. I then discuss fourformed by combining the perspectives on nature of the ICTs innovation on socialdevelopment and transformation in a tabular form. My review suggests that ICTs research, inspite of its incredible theoretical abilities to study technology innovation in relation tosocioeconomic context, remains weak in forming conclusive arguments about IT-enabledsocioeconomic development as a result of digital divides