New Activity: TRUE OR FALSE? Write T if the statement is true; write F is it is false. 1. Public speaking is a students' number-one fear, even ahead of death. 2. Any speech should include an introduction, body, and conclusion. 3. Clear organization is usually less important in speaking than in writing. 4. The only benefit of being an effective speaker is cognitive improvement. 5. Audience analysis is important when preparing for a speech or presentation. 6. There is little difference between rehearsing and practicing a speech. 7. Public speaking anxiety is usually the most difficult obstacle to overcome for aspiring speakers. 8. Being mindful of diversity means being respectful and in agreement with all people by avoiding racism, ethnocentrism, sexism, ageism, elitism, and other assumptions needed to understand an audience completely. 9. Jargons will enhance your speech by showing your audience that you are "in the know" as if you are an "insider" and prevents "outsiders" from stealing the content of your message. 10. The best stories are those that hold the interest of the audience yet lead clearly into your speech topic.