Activity 3. Write the appropriate subordinate conjunction to complete the meaning of the sentence. 1. You need to put more effort into your work; - you wo! 't get a passing grade. A moreover C. otherwise B. unless D. Instead 1. He always inspires me __ he believes in me. A. SO C. because B. when D. and 2. My life will be blessed 1 fulfill his dreams. A. If as C. though as if 3. He will always support i succeed not. A. neither, nor either, or B. both, an vhether, or 4. Everyone asked me I wrote such stories at that age. A. where when B. how 1. why 5. I did not have so many ends was admitted to colleg A. SO C. as B. though D. until Activity 4 1. You need to put more effort into your work; you won't get a passing grade. A. Moreover C. Otherwise B. Unless C. Instead