
A Choose the letter of the BEST answer.
1. This process happens when the sperm cells are released into the body of the
female and become fertilized.
a. asexsal reproduction
c.internal fertilization
b. external fertization
d. incubation
2. Which of the following animals can reproduce sexually?
a. hydra
c. zard
b. sea anemone
d. both a and b
3. What kind of fertilization happens when eggs are released by the female to the
environment and is fertilized by the sperm, of the male?
a asexual
c.intemal fertilization
b. external fertilization
d. sexual
4. Which of the following animals did not hatch from an egg?
5. Which of the following animals can reproduce by means of extemal fertilization?
b. frog
d. tarsier
6. What kind of reproduction involves only one parent?
a asexual
c.internal fertilization
b.external ferilization
7. Which of these animals is bom alive?
8. How does sexual reproduction happen in animals?
a when sperm cell and egg cell unite
b.when 2 sperm cell unite with 1 egg
c.when 2 sperm cells unite with 2 egg celis
d.when sperm cell unite with another sperm cell
9. Chicks are haiched from eggs. Goats are bom alive and look like its parents.
Frogs undergo many changes as they grow. What does this observation prove?
a.all animals are born alive
b.all animals are hatched from egg
c.different animals move in different ways.
d different animais reproduce in different ways.
10. Why is reproduction important to living organisms?
a. it controls the body parts
b. in converts food into nutrients
c. it collects and removes wastes
d.in ensures continued existence of the organisms​