
1. It refers to the process of searching or navigating a network of
A Identify the internet terminologies described in each number.
information resources in the World Wide Web.
pages connected through links which share a single domain.
text, images, video, and audio
4. This refers to all the elements used to communicate the message
and where the information offered is placed.
which all other pages can be accessed.
5. This represents the main page or the central page" of the site itself from
logo used for identifying the website brand.
6. This is placed on top portion of the website, often containing the website
7. This holds several buttons that provide a way to navigate the website
2. This is a recurring section that is found on the bottom of every webpage
3. It refers to a central location of a collection of publicly accessible web
quickly and easily
8. This is a common domain extension used by different government
9. This is a common domain extension used by non-profit organizations.
10. These are used to categorize websites and to provide a preview or an
idea of the website's actual content.