Sofiatalde5go Sofiatalde5go Science Answered 1.A tough structure made up of connective tissues surrounded by minerals. *bonemuscles2. The bone that protects the brain *femurskullThis is a required question3. The place where two or more bones meet. *tendonjoint4. A soft, strong, and flexible tissue that serves as cushion between bones and provides shape to some parts of the body. *ligamentcartilage5. Connective tissues, which made up of bundles of hundreds to thousands of long, thin cells that can contract or relax. *musclesbones6. Tough connective tissues which connect the skeletal muscles to the bones. *ligamenttendon7. Stretchable connective tissues that hold joints together ligamenttendon8. Longest bone in the body *humerusfemur9. Soft tissue inside the bone that produce red blood cells *bone marrowyellow marrow10. Muscle of the heartsmooth musclecardiac muscle